Its just a day which will pass yet it marks the end of year and invites us to think what we have found and lost in the last year.
- Did we made good use of knowledge from previous years???
- Could we have made this year better???
- How can we make the coming year better for us and all the people around us???

And with enough killings going on, I think I did have a lot of good things happening and the best thing that happened to me was Mahwish; my fiance. She is the one whom my parents chose and the relationship which started as an Arrange Marriage to be, i think it will be a love marriage for 2009... :) .... She is sweet, loving, caring, patient and she fits well in my family. Its something which every guy can wish for and I am very happy that God has blessed me with her. Love you sweets..... :)

and than another thing exciting and interesting was my Germany trip which also took me to Paris, France. There i met some very nice people and some not so nice people and that thing signify only one thing: There are good and bad people everywhere and its only our action that determines if we are really good or bad.
An year has passed and I hope that we see many more with more peace, love and justice for everyone. I hope that I can give more meaning to my life and people around me. I want to dedicate this year to my family, my friends and my work all of which keeps pushing me to to do better in life for myself and others.
Cheers 2008.