Friday, 30 May 2008

World Disorder in terms of clock

This is a very interesting site stating the statistics on different on-goings in the world. I don't know the statistics algorithm but seems interesting though.

I have only one concern. Why people are more interested in measuring the disorder than the order, misery than happiness, evil than good????? We do have a strange perspective and yet we crave for happiness and peace.

Thursday, 29 May 2008

I want to live.....

I want to Live

- A life which is spent for others
- A life which is cherished by everyone.
- A life which gives the feeling of happiness to others
- A life which brings a positive difference in the society, how small it is

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

I want to die.....

I want to die

- Contended FOR I didn't do anything which cannot be forgiven by Almighty on the judgment day.
- Peacefully For thats the only thing i wish in my life and find it hardest to get.
- Knowing that I haven't hurt somebody FOR this is the worst a man can know.
- leaving people with smiles FOR only this will show that my love was strong enough to leave the smiles around and no tears.

Friday, 23 May 2008

Funny Clips of Charlie Chaplin

Some more of great movies clips from Charlie Chaplin's "The Great Dictator" and "The City Lights".

ENJOY !!!!

The Great Dictator

A Life without a smile is no life. Here is one of the best clips from Charlie Chaplin's "Great Dictator".. Enjoy !!!!

Logic vs. Emotions

Logic can conquer all the emotions but never the heart.

Accomplishments vs Targets

You will accomplish everything on your list. Just don't add to it.
--WindowsLive Horroscope

Thursday, 22 May 2008


Because there are three classes of intellects: one which comprehends by itself; another which appreciates what others comprehend; and a third which neither comprehends by itself nor by the showing of others; the first is the most excellent, the second is good, the third is useless.

-- Excerpt from "The Prince" By Nicolo Machivelli

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Poverty in a nation

Poverty is a choice not necessarily a destiny for a nation

Picture of the Month - May 2008

This painting is by one of Iranian Artists sent to me by my great friend Sandra. This picture shows a great combination of innocence, beauty and simplicity. A true work of art.

Revenge of Soul

How is it felt to be left alone? to be disowned by anyone, not looked after ... It does sound terrible but it sure happens.

Can things develop a same feeling? Can thoughts, words develop the same feeling? Im not sure about things but the soul which lies in every living thing is surely effected by things like that. When we commit something we don't intend to keep, when we hurt someone knowingly it hurts the soul. and than its the conscious which is the soul's way of revenge.

With all happening within our heart, mind and soul I don't understand how people keep quiet. Where I admit that not everyone is strong enough to do the right thing, are we so numb and weak that we can't separate the right from wrong? It hurts and I'm afraid this is something which I will have nothing to answer in my life time.

God helps us and have mercy on us. Amen !